The Provision Wound

If the ideal God design of a woman is that she would feel safe enough that she could open to fully receive and therefore create life, what would be the opposite? That she would feel unsafe, unsecured, ungrounded so that she would refuse to open, feel closed off, or throw herself open in a scattered, unsavvy way.

Refusing life, rejecting life, shutting down from life, and not being able to open up to and allow everything that is around her. That is the trick of what I call the provision wound. Because in our efforts to find and feel what we most desperately crave or in our rejection of it because it makes us feel weak.

And we haven’t recognized that living in alignment with that design is actually where our power resides, triggers a cycle of actually shutting out more life, of looking for the scarcity, for the danger, for the lack, for the fear, instead of looking for the love, for the support, for the safety so that we can let down our guards with wisdom still empower and allow and create life.

But too many women find themselves consistently, even for a lifetime pursued and taken down by the provision wound because the world does not work as it should. And often when we aren’t aware of why and how we’re being so deeply, inherently affected by it as a female, we fight against it and we perpetuate the problem when the power has been in our hands the whole time.

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